H. Scott Wolfe, Historical Librarian of the Galena, Illinois, Public Library District and frequent guest blogger on Louis DeCarlo's Blog "John Brown the Abolitionist -- A Biographer's Blog," contacted me recently to ask me a question about the family plot in the Old Hudson Township Burying Grounds, in Hudson, Ohio.
I wasn't able to answer his question, but he told me that the Owen Brown Gravestone had been repaired! Yeah. Great Great Great Great Grandpa's headstone is no longer languishing in the mud.
Photo by Alice Keesey Mecoy 2009
I first wrote about GGGG Grandpa Owen's broken headstone in this post in 2009.
At the time of my visit to Hudson, Owen's stone had broken off the base, and was lying at the base of his first wife's marker. I contacted the Parks and Recreation Department in Hudson, and they assured me that they were looking at ways to repair the headstone.
Scott graciously sent me a photo that he took at the Old Hudson Township Burying Ground in April 2012. Thank you so much Scott! I appreciate you sharing your photography with me.
Photo by H. Scott Wolfe 2012
I guess that great minds do think alike - I was going to do a followup writeup on the Old Hudson Township Burying Grounds, but while looking up the exact name of Lou's blog, I see that Scott beat me to it. So for more information about the Browns buried in Hudson Ohio, please see Scott's informative post on Lou's amazing blog.
To clarify - this is the grave of Owen Brown [B-1], John Brown's father, not the grave in California of John Brown's son Owen Brown [B1843]. We are still awaiting more information on that grave site!